Solid World Investor Letter — February 2023

Solid World
3 min readMar 19, 2023


February was very busy for Solid World, and we want to share some of the highlights with you!

This month’s highlights:

  • Solid World has joined the Climate Collective, a leading coalition of stakeholders — from investors and nonprofit organizations to entrepreneurs and scientists — leveraging trusted, sustainable digital infrastructure to unlock verifiable climate action at scale.
  • Solid World was mentioned alongside other ReFi pioneers in a new book called “Catching up to Crypto.” In the book, “Bitboy,” Ben Armstrong, one of the largest crypto influencers in the world, identified ReFi as one of the sectors that have the chance to be “the future of crypto.”
  • Solid World had a successful trip to ETH Denver. Some highlights included hosting an upscale breakfast with some of the top builders and investors in the ReFi space and the ETH Denver Climate Summit, where Stenver spoke on a panel about carbon financing.
  • We have finished audits with Dedaub, a top auditing firm working with several major protocols. The audits found zero critical or major issues, and we were complimented on the quality of our codebase, documentation, and test coverage.
  • Our LP commitments are almost filled out!

New Opportunities for you!

  • Earn up to 17% APR while getting exposure to reforestation projects that have seen a 30% YoY price appreciation for the last five years. Reach out if interested.

New Articles and Podcasts!


  • Please introduce us to ESG-focused funds and family offices in your orbit
  • Meet us in person. Great in-person introductions are always welcome. Here are a couple of places we will be in the near future:
  • Stenver will be presenting at NFT NYC, April 12–14.
  • VOTE for Stenver to be on the main stage at NFT NYC!
  • Stenver is currently in New York City and is happy to meet you in person if you are in the area. Reach out to set up a meeting!
  • Follow us on Twitter at Solid World DAO(link), me(link) and Rez(link)

About Solid World

Solid World makes forward carbon credits liquid by creating liquidity pools and capital markets to solve global supply issues in a market set to grow 50x by 2030.

Corporations use carbon projects to reach net-zero emissions. Sustainability commitments globally are driven by strong investor pressure. There’s a total of $700B funding gap by 2030 to sufficiently protect our nature. Finding high-quality inventory is increasingly difficult, with global sequestration supply reducing by 24% in 2021 Q4. Participating in forward financing markets is especially difficult unless you specialize in the field.

Solid World disrupts these issues by offering 24/7 liquidity, diversification, guaranteed delivery, and transparent prices. Solid World pays an average of 12% APR and gives exposure to high-quality offtake agreements (+30% YoY last 5 years).

Projects are subject to rigorous due diligence (many of our staff have worked with BeZero) and are certified by reputed registries, including Verra.
We work with some of the largest carbon trading houses and investors, such as SCB, Vlinder, and Allcot. Backed by Tier-1 VCs like Greycroft and Taavet+Sten. Team has combined 20+ years of carbon experience.

