Solid World & GreenTrade Tech Partnership
Solid World is happy to announce a new partnership with GreenTrade Tech, a carbon marketplace that accelerates funding of new carbon projects.
“We share the same vision of mitigating climate change by getting as many new carbon projects off the ground as possible. The Voluntary Carbon Market will shift from a Spot to a Future market over the next years, with Solid World DAO and GreenTrade at the forefront of this movement,” GreenTrade Tech co-founder Ulf Hackbarth said.
Both of our projects are working in the same space, and we are both working to heal the environment. Collaborating will help us achieve these goals for the world.
“Solid World and Greentrade are solving one of the biggest issue in carbon market, we give new high quality carbon projects funding to start up. We have so many nature based projects, and I am so glad to have more and more ReFi projects solving this issue, thank you so much for your impact!” Solid World Core Contributor Teele Tuuling Said
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